sâmbătă, 19 ianuarie 2008

PARADISE LOST din nou in Romania

Dupa succesul concertului precedent din Bucurestiul anului 1994, una dintre cele mai influente trupe rock britanice din ultimii 15 ani, PARADISE LOST, revine in Romania astazi 19 ianuarie 2008, la Romexpo Bucuresti, Pavilion 18.
Dupa 19 ani de activitate in lumea rock-ului impliniti anul acesta, Paradise Lost isi va incanta fanii cu melodii de pe noul lor album, "In Requiem", dar si cu piese mai vechi, memorabile pentru iubitorii genului.
Trupa a debutat pe scena de profil in 1990 iar piesele lor au fost de-a lungul timpului incluse pe albume precum "One Second "(1997) sau "Host" (1999).
Sound-ul lor a continuat sa evolueze in timp, dar melodicitatea a ramas esenta care-i defineste pe cei de la Paradise Lost.
Componentii formatiei:
Aaron Aedy - guitar
Nick Holmes - vocals
Greg Mackintosh - guitar, keyboards
Steve Edmondson - bass
Lee Morris - drums, background vocals
In deschiderea concertului programat la Romexpo va urca pe scena o trupa de rezonanta atat pentru rock-ul autohton cat si pentru cel din strainatate: Negura Bunget.

PARADISE LOST - "Mouth" (from the album "Believe in Nothing" - 2001)

Feel so low some days
And only I can taste
Resent security
Obscuring all I see

In my mind
In my mouth
In my soul
Only you provide
These symptoms that I show

I could go out in style
Go back from where I came
But luck sees to us all
And rarely plays the game

We've seen it all through
Many years of lonesome hell
Back to a place
Where we all terminate

PARADISE LOST - "One second" (from "One second" album - 1997)

And for one second, I lost my head
And for one second, I wished you were dead
And for one second, you wish that you were here all alone
Hold back the tears that could fall for me.

And for one second, I lost my breath
And for one second, I cherish that you said
And for one second, it seemed that I was here all alone
Hold back the tears that could fall for me.

And for one second, I understand
And for one second, my life was in your hands
And for one second, you wish that you were here all alone
Hold back the tears that could fall for me.
They fall alone

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